Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Making plans in the recession

I have recently been asked by a couple of journalists for my opinion on coaching's place during the recession. It is an interesting subject particularly due to the fact that many life coaches are in fact experiencing a boom during these months. This is a time where people feel lost, out of control and stressed about their futures. So, it is the perfect time to see a coach.

The last querie I had was whether or not I had worked with clients who had lost their jobs and had hugely positive, life changing experiences through coaching. No, was the quick answer. More interestingly than that however, was the fact that those who I was predominantly working with were people in relatively secure jobs. Those who, out of everyone, need not have been as concerned. What the recession has done, is left everyone keen to make a Plan B. From day to day, people don't think about their future as much as I would encourage. It's only when things become unsettled that people plan alternative routes.

So, everyone is taking stalk of what they are doing and there is a huge shift in those in good jobs making the bold decision that they want something else, something different, something more 'me'. I am talking about people in secure office jobs making good money wanting to do things much more creative and hands on, antisocial hours and with much less pay. People are prepared to risk it in order to be happy. I believe this is due to fear that has come with the recession. There is also a surge of my clients who now want to retrain in their new desired field.

And by understanding what it is they want, they very quickly decide to make it Plan A.