We make new year's resolutions for all kinds of reasons; the start of a new year feels significant and should be marked with new guidelines and guidance, we feel let down by our efforts last year or simply that everyone else is making them and we feel obliged.
Whatever the reasons, it is highly likely that come February the 1st you will either have forgotten your pledge to yourself or have simply crumbled under the constant pressure of life. This leaves us feeling defeated, deflated and disappointed in ourselves. This is no way to banish those post Christmas blues.
We spend hours thinking of the 'ideal' gift to give, we write lists of who we must buy for, we write hundreds of cards needing hundreds of stamps, we go crazy stocking our cupboards with 'nibbly bits' and quirky drinking atire that we don't need and probably won't use. We invite people over for 'festive cheer' and spend more time with the family. We put lights up, we put trees up, we cover our lives in tinsel and a permanent smile. We dress up and go out and socialise with those we would never dream of socialising with in a million years but you do it because it is Christmas and anything goes at this time. We sing songs and eat cake and drink more than we like to. We stay up late and get up early and light the fire.
Then suddenly, we realise the gifts have all been opened, the food has been scoffed, the fire has gone out, the family have left and the tree needs to come down. Our lives which have been hanging at the top of the log flume in excitement for the last few months, have now reached the bottom when we realise we are wet and cold and the thrill is over. Then to top it all off, the credit card bill arrives through the post.
It is little wonder at this time, we choose to make some better choices for ourselves; no alchohol for the month of January, loose that stone you just put on eating turkey and chocolates, start going to the gym, stop going to the pub, pay off that debt. Why is it then, we find it almost impossible to stick to it?
'United Unique' (a partnership of 4 professionally trained life coaches) bring you the answer and just in the nick of time. They are hosting a 3 hour 'Mastering Your Future' workshop in Glasgow, Kelvingrove Museum Saturday 16th January 2010, 10am-1pm.
Their workshop is to help people understand what they really want from their future and how to make inspiring goals to keep them on track to achieve. Learn how to alter what you want in a way that excites and invigorates you everytime you think about it. Find the tools you need to grow your confidence in any situation so you can start this year with a bang. Understand your emotional side and get to know who you are so you can know how best to move forward. Learn positive ways to deal with your negative chatterbox and boost your ego with their positive self talk session.
All this for £35. You can book through their website at www.unitedunique.co.uk by sending the booking form via email to unitedunique4@gmail.com
If you think you want things to be different this year then this workshop is for you. Take control of your future, understand you mind, explore your emotions and get set for the best year of your life. You wont need mince pies and baubles to get you back to the top of that log flume. Just a zest for life and hunger to succeed.
14 years ago