I am sitting in a coffee shop, looking out of the window onto the spectacular view of Edinburgh Castle. I could sit here all day. As I take some deep breaths in to relax my body and mind, I partake in one of my favourite pastimes: people watching. I watch people out the window; couples strolling through Princess Street gardens, harassed shoppers partially sprinting in and out of shops, individuals wandering aimlessly in no direction at all. I watch people in the cafe; drinking their hot drinks followed by muffins of every flavour, tapping away on laptops (like I am), reading books, chatting with friends. I am however, most interested in those who choose to sit alone. The majority are.
What is it that makes some people relish their own company and come into an establishment like this one to spend time with themselves and some dread the thought of being alone even for a few minutes? I consider this as I sit looking around me. Those in company look like they are enjoying themselves, no doubt about that. They smile and chat and smile and look lively. But I can't help thinking there is a bit of effort required. Not that I am knocking hanging out with good friends, its something in life that I look forward to with great delight. However, on contrast to those facing an empty chair, there is a greater sense of relaxation and comfort. It is all a bit more natural and laid back. So, what is it that makes people decide to sit or stroll alone and have they sussed something in life that the others have not?
I try to practice and preach that time alone can sort a lot of things out. You have some quality thinking time to place some of those thoughts which would otherwise be buzzing around in your head. And even if you do no thinking at all, you are still grounding yourself and bringing things to a halt in ways you could not if you are always in other people's company. Being alone has massive benefits.
You should try this week to venture off on your own with no plans in mind and see where it takes you.
My husband is about to go on a walking holiday for a week by himself. The reaction from some is very interesting; people who cannot understand this and those who positively condone it. I am the latter and am relishing the time that this will leave me on my own too!