Monday, 10 October 2011

Have dones and to do's

I always find the month of October a little poignant. It's a time when the nights start getting darker and I always seem to reflect more than other months. I think this is perhaps down to its position within the calendar. It's a time where I feel I should have achieved the majority of my yearly 'to do' list and reaffirm if I am able to complete on those left before the year is over.

So, I would like to share some of my own key achievements as a way of self-coaching and giving myself a public pat on the back which is a great motivational tool and should spur me on to make a start on those activities which have been placed under the bed since January.

1/ I have travelled well this year with visits to Morocco, London, Dublin, THe Highlands, Stornoway, Inveraray and Portugal. Three of which I have never been to before.

2/ I set up a savings account and began paying into it regularly - it's not a big amount but it is a start.

3/ I set up a private pension (something that has been on my mind for years and I've finally nailed!).

4/ I ran a 10k in May - a massive achievement for me.

5/ I have achieved a steady flow of clients

6/ I bought my first piece of art (with husband)

7/ I regularly treat myself with massages, facials, spa days etc. This is one of the few ways I can totally relax so it's really important to me.

8/ I have challenged and changed my thinking about social events and really look forward to each one now rather than my previous negative thinking about how much of my time they were taking up.

If you have let your resolutions slip or if you've simply forgotten what you had planned for this year, take some time now to look back (I had to use my diary) on what you have been up to. It's best to do this with someone so you can share your experiences and praise one another for your efforts.

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