Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Act how you want to feel

Now that the sun is shining, more of us are waking up to the suns rays with a smile on our face.  Vitamin D obviously effects the way we feel.  But what about those mornings you wake up and just aren't 'up for it'.  We've all had them. 

 There has been research which shows that we can trick our brain into different emotions using our bodies.  If we act angry/sad/excited using appropriate body language and facial expressions, we re-ignite this emotion and begin feeling it mentally too. 

 Try it for yourself.  When bored on a bus - smile.  When your feeling low and body conscious, sit up straight with your head high.  When you are sad, think of a pleasant memory.  Use anything you can to change your mood for the better.  Really notice what is around you.

I've just been passed by a giant teacup!  I know it is for a party for children as my husband is working at it today.  I'm presuming it was a ride of some sort.  So, I could quite have easily dismissed it and continued with my day. I had just missed two buses standing at the bus stop with my head down writing ideas for this blog so I could have been angry with myself for the rest of the day. However, I chose to let myself giggle about the whole affair as it was quite ridiculous.  I'm now still smiling about it as I write.  

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