Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Slow it down

I have always advocated taking things easier and slower. This way, not only are we able to enjoy all the pleasures of life as they happen but we tend to get more done in the long run anyway.

I discovered this when I was undertaking my own coaching journey over a year ago. At the beginning of the process I was running around feeling overworked, under appreciated and stressed. I pride myself with the ability to multi task. However, I was trying to achieve many things all at once without actually following through with many of them. On a fortnightly basis, I was to think of creative actions to help me destress and feel positive and excited about my future. It was important I kept my list to only a few actions otherwise I would feel anxious before I even began. And miraculously, each fortnight on checking in with my coach I had over achieved on every count. For each action, I had performed another two or three actions on the back of the original. I felt wonderful. I felt in control. I felt like I had much more time on my hands.

So, I was very pleased when I opened this months issue of Zest magazine and found that the editor's letter was just about this. They have also pointed me to the 'slow movement' which promotes a slower way of living.
Check out and read the section on slow life.

Try it for yourself. Enjoy

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