I love reading. It really helps me to place my thoughts, feelings and desires about life. Generally, I will either agree or disagree with what I'm reading which is great as this cements my thoughts and gives me a greater confidence to air them. Because I am so reflective on what I'm reading and thinking, I feel I am getting to know myself better everyday. That's why this blog is so good for me. It forces me to think about something/anything at least twice a week. You should try it. Buy a book, not just a rubbish throw away jotter (that made me giggle writing 'jotter') but a book you have taken time to chose, one you really like and want to reach for regularly. Force yourself to write some thoughts, your thoughts, at least once a week. I'm sure you'll be amazed at how this makes you feel. I truly believe that thoughts are not just for thinking. Too much stuff goes on in our head to make any real sense of the individual things. Getting it out on paper (or voacally through Life Coaching) really helps to make some kind of sense to them.
Anyway, that was not my purpose for this entry. I wanted to question the notion of independance. I have always taken great pride in the fact that I'm fiercely independant. As a Leo, I love the word 'fierce', it has a real bite to it. That's why I love 'lust for life' as my business title. It's not just about doing things and getting by but its about throwing yourself at full pelt at whatever your concentrating on and giving it your all! I don't believe its good enough to just live, I want to be alive. I want true vibrancy and all the colours/sounds/smells it has to offer.
And independance? That's me; in complete control of making my own money, fabulous at spending it, can stand up for myself in an argument, could probably call a plumber if needed and ready to accomplish everything and anything by myself. This surely is the best, the only way to be in life.
If I weren't independant then I would be dependant and that would mean I haven't progressed at all. However, I have become aware of a third option - interdependance. This trendy new term was passed to me during a discussion with my life coach. We were working on the issue of my diary and how it had complete control over me. I had a million things going on in my head and even more things I needed to sort out to get my business up and running. Doing what I usually do, I had only ever imagined I would do everything for myself. Think what an achievment it would be to tell people I had done it all on my own. How rewarded would I feel when all my hard work had paid off? But at that precise moment I was in blind panick.
I began meeting regularly with a good friend of mine who was also setting up her business. We threw around ideas and gradually I began to use them. This consisted of templates to websites, music downloads and images that could be used. Her husband is very good at graphic design so I began asking him to help put together some marketing materials. My husband is involved in advertising so his thoughts on my strategies were greatly appreciated. I have recently been to a networking event and am considering ideas from those in other fields also. There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise out there that I have only just discovered. My independant attitude would never have allowed any of this information to filter through before. Now, I have a website that is quite different to my competitors and one that I can still be proud of, flyers and business cards that will really get people's interest and some marketing strategies that are cost effective whilst still being effective.
I have altered my thinking completely. If someone else can do it better (and quicker) and is offering their services to me, I go for it! Why would I waste my time trying to tackle something I have no expertise in to produce something only half as good as it could be? Its all very well to be able to stand alone but to truly excell we must join expertise and we can produce amazing results. This is interdependance.
14 years ago
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