Thursday, 30 April 2009

My own Life coaching journey

As part of my life coach training, I was to be 'life coached'. This made sense, as how could I possibly coach others if I had no first hand experience myself? I was expecting it to be good and insightful as far as watching a life coach journey unfold. However, I also felt my life wasn't too bad. Sure there was room for improvement but I would have got round to sorting that eventually.

The first session is always an exciting one for me, as a coach. It is a completely open forum to discuss all that is good, bad and ugly. From which some exciting goals arise. As a coachee, it was a very different experience but equally as inspiring. I feel like I talk too much sometimes. So, what else was there left to say? But through focussed discussion and tools in place which kept me on specific topics, I found myself saying things I didn't realise I had felt. My coach was completely non judgmental which helped me be completely honest. And by the close, my goal was 'thick, crunchy peanut butter'. I was thrilled. I can see you raise an eyebrow? Is that all you wanted? - you say. If so, why did you not simply go down to your local supermarket and purchase said item? I know how it sounds but it was the essence of what the peanut butter meant that I wanted to achieve.

To explain; my husband had previously said to me I was spreading myself too thinly (like marmite which I coinsidentaly hate). I was rushing around at 120mph doing everything I thought I wanted/needed to do but seeing nothing along the way. I was opting into all sorts of things with work and social matters. I was never enjoying the here and now as my brain was always a step ahead - 'after this I'll need to get on this bus' and 'I'd better leave here early to have enough time to make a special dinner for our visitors later' etc. I had no time to relax, reflect and recharge. My energy was getting used up on all the wrong things and leaving me exhausted for the things I needed most energy for. It was crazy and I hadn't even realised. I wanted that thickly spread peanut butter. I wanted to be self indulgent. I wanted to take time eating the toast covered in the peanut butter and I wanted the lasting energy it provided. It also had to be of the crunchy variety as I get bored easily and still needed that added excitement.

Through coaching, I learned that taking time for me wasn't wrong and I shouldn't feel guilty about it. Yes its self indulgent but that needn't be a bad thing. I NEEDED this time so I could recharge my batteries and reflect on the week and how I dealt with situations so I could alter my actions for the better. I began to book in for massages and facials on a regular basis. I have started going to pilates classes. I spend time on my own just thinking. Reflection is an essential part of living yet most of us don't do it. How can we know who we are or what we want if we don't consider what has happened previously to us and how we dealt with it?

I also took charge of my diary which up until this point was a cause of distress to me. I would open my diary and see scribbles and appointments and social events all over every page. This just caused anxiety. It looked as though I had no free time and I would panic. Simply home actions such as using different coloured pens for work and social events made a big difference. I got to the stage where I felt like I was in control.

I learned to accept that my current work was not good for me and I left - a huge achievment! I then put all my energy into setting up on my own. I had so much more energy then for what I wanted. I have achieved a great balance between my own time and the time I give to others and I am fully in the moment now when I meet people.

By the end of the coaching process I had achieved all I had set out to achieve and more. I was ready to take the next big thing on board and start the process all over again!I truly believe everyone can get something out of life coaching - even coaches themselves. I know the process of coaching but it is fascinating to have someone who doesn't know you at all and won't judge what you say, listen to your words and objectively point out things you just cant see in yourself.

I hope this has inspired you to try it out for yourself. Go on, you know you want to!

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