Thursday, 30 April 2009

No Limits

Yesterday I said to my husband when trying to empathise about how tough his job is, 'I could never do your job'. But then I got to thinking about something I had just read earlier that day .

It was an interview with an actress and she was talking about always being up for trying new things and to do one thing for the rest of her life would make her feel limited.

So, I had a little think about limits and what that actually means. I thought about what I had said to my husband. In fact, I had no idea if I could do his job or not. I had just presumed I couldn't. Without ever actually trying it out, I couldn't say for definate yet I was already putting limitations on it.

We do this all the time; creating limits for ourselves that don't exist. We can only truly experience what we are capable of when we push ourselves into the fear zone and out of our comfort zone. It is here that we will learn what we can and can't do.

You can only know your true limits when you have truly tried to accomplish something.

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